Getting Back into the Gym When You Don’t Wanna

We’ve all been there.

We KNOW that we should go to the gym.

We SHOULD only eat healthy foods in moderate portions.


We WANT the results and focus  we’d  get from proper nutrition and exercise.


 we just can’t muster up the strength to get re-started.

How do we defeat this inner conflict?

As I answer this for you, I answer this for me.  Hence, using the pronoun “WE”.

Getting into my clothes for Hollywood was a “fun” challenge.  It was also a relatively short-term challenge (three and  a half weeks.)  Now, it’s time to find the long-term motivator (perhaps a challenge?) that will motivate me to eat well and get back into they gym              NO MATTER WHAT.

I’d like the think that I’m noble enough to say, “I’ll do this to accomplish my mission statement…

To Educate, Inspire and Entertain People

to a Healthier Weight and More Contented Life.

I’ll do this for everyone’s better good.”  But sometimes noble causes shut me down.

I’m sorry that I have to admit this, but I can be shallow at times.  I’m not sure that  my mission is enough to get me fired up in the kitchen or gym.

I’ve slipped back into “old” habits of not writing my food intake in a journal and I’ve been eating outside the lines far more than 10% of the time…especially consuming too much Peanut Butter.  And, last week I dragged myself to the gym and only got 2 strength training workouts done.

Shame on me…but, blessedly, I’m not ashamed.  I’m proud that I’m confronting this and trying to figure out how to get back on track.  My hope is that by figuring this out for me, I can help you.

I figure that it’s like eating the elephant one bite at a time.  I believe that I also need to put my fork and knife down between bites.

Here’s what I’m going to do, and I suggest it to you too:

I’m going to look at today, TODAY ONLY,  and do what needs to be done today only to get to and stay at a healthy weight and fit into my clothes.

I have everything in place that I need to get this done.  I just need to do it.

I have the food journal that absolutely works when used ( You can have it too, if you join us below.)

I have the workout templates and only need to strength train two to three times a week plus do two 22 minute interval cardio routines a week.  (Not a whole lot relative to the 168 hours we have a week.)

I have the desire to help you…and now, I need to commit to it, one day at a time until the eating and exercise routine becomes a habit again.  A lifestyle.

Ultimately, that’s it.  I’ve said it out loud and now these steps are what I’m going to do to re-set/re-aim.

And to think, there’s not even a High School Reunion or even a Plan B Dress Up Gala at the end of this newest journey 😉

laura high school reunion 2014-09-26 nabsa 05502

Instead, I have to lead by example to prove to “US” that it’s possible to take this one day at a time and just check things off your “to do list”-

Complete Food Journal?  Check!

Strength Train?  Check!

Interval Cardio?  Check!

Who needs tomorrow when we can accomplish this today?!?




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